National Capital Model Soldier Society

Show Closed
Since 1961 the members of the National Capital Model Soldier Society have hosted an annual show with the goal of promoting the historical miniature modeling hobby. Thank you to everyone who supported this year’s event. We sincerely appreciate our exhibitors, attendees, vendors, other local clubs, and volunteers for helping to make our show a success. The contributions made by our show sponsors deserve special recognition. In particular, we’re honored to have the support of the Army Historical Foundation. Their mission of honoring the American Soldier by preserving and presenting the history and heritage of the United States Army is in keeping with the mission of the NCMSS: to honor history through art. Our full list of sponsors and links to their websites can be found below. We encourage you to lend them your support.
This year we had 60 individual exhibitors in the competition and approximately 280 pieces on display. All categories were very well represented. An Awards List, Sponsor List with contact links, and photos of many of the exhibits (courtesy of photographer Tom Henderson) can be found below. Highlights included the Judges’ Best of Show awarded to Jack Muldoon and the People’s Choice Best of Show that went to Steve Pyle for the third year in a row. Jack Thompson received the show theme award, “June 6, 1944: Commemorating the 80th Anniversary of D-Day” for his “Currahee” bust. Thank you to the judging team volunteers for their time and effort. Thanks also to the sponsors that donated some amazing awards for the special categories. Special thanks goes to Don Franciso, the fifer of Mount Vernon who shared his musical talent at our awards ceremony.
Not all of the award-caliber models were on display in the main exhibit room. Each year the NCMSS provides display tables to other local hobby clubs where their members can show their work and promote their organizations. Thank you to the members of NVNTRAK, the Washington Ship Model Society, the Washington Armor Club, NOVAMPS, and Northern Virginia Modelers IPMS for bringing your amazing work to the show.
In addition to viewing exhibits, show attendees had the opportunity to attend four informative modeling demonstrations. Thanks to Robert Prokop (3D Printing), Eric Reinert (Weathering Techniques), Rhea Horton (Gunpla Primer), and Zach Becker (Non Metallic Metal Painting Techniques) for sharing their time and expertise! For the second year in a row the NCMSS hosted a Gundam build table with free Pokémon kits which was a big hit with kids and parents alike.
This year we were happy to welcome back a number of our long-time vendors including The Model Cellar, MicroWorld Games, Birch Tree Enterprises, The Little Tin Soldier, Gael Hobbies, Doug Carl (Doug’s Closet), James Pratt, and Grant Berry. Also in the vendor area, the NCMSS set up a combined raffle and flea market table where the club raised money from donated kits, books, and prints. Special thanks to everyone who donated their time and treasure.
Finally, our show would not have been possible without the talented participants who displayed their inspirational work. On behalf of the NCMSS thank you and we hope to see you in 2025!
NCMSS Show Archive


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